This article is sponsored by Blank Kim Injury Law, the personal injury attorneys in Middlesex. Our law office encourages locals and visitors to learn more about what Middlesex has to offer.
An urban neighborhood located in Essex, Maryland, Middlesex sits on the northern border portion of Essex near Middle River, MD. The average real estate price for the area is $168,381. It is 86.2% less expensive than that of its surrounding Maryland neighborhoods. Middlesex, Maryland, comprises of single-family style homes and townhouses ranging from three to four bedrooms. In some areas of Middlesex, those homes are smaller in size and sometimes only have two to zero bedrooms. Most of the residential properties in this neighborhood were built around 1940 to 1969.
Middlesex is a moderate-income neighborhood with 35.9% of its population working in sales or service jobs. 31.8% of the residents work in executive, management, or professional occupations, and 25.7% work in manufacturing and laborer occupations. The rest of the residents work in government jobs.
The neighborhood of Middlesex has one of the highest percentages of Irish ancestry people in America. 23.8% of the residents in Middlesex have Irish ancestry, 25.2% have German ancestry, 6.6% have Mexican ancestry, 6.2% have Sub-Saharan African ancestry, and 5.3% have Polish ancestry. 90.4% of the households in Middlesex speak English.
The schools in the neighborhood of Middlesex, Maryland, are all part of the Baltimore County Public Schools System. Families with children residing in this area go to one of the following schools.
Kenwood High School was established in 1931. The school was originally housed on Kenwood Ave. but has since moved to Stemmers Run Rd. As one of the only high schools that are zoned for the children in Middlesex, Kenwood High School provides its students with two magnet programs and the standard diploma for graduates. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and the Sports Sciences Academy (SSA) Program. The IB Program is recognized in over 100 countries. Students are taught and prepared to take exit exams their senior year. The college credits earned from the exit exams are acceptable in all universities and colleges worldwide. On the other hand, the SSA Program allows students to take an interdisciplinary curriculum that teaches them careers in the health, sports, and fitness fields.
Also located on Stemmers Run Rd., the Fields at Renaissance Park offers recreational space for families and friends in Middlesex and its surrounding neighborhoods. The park features a large playground, outdoor basketball court, 90-foot baseball diamond, athletic field, walking paths, and three pavilions with two grills. Need to do some shopping in the area? Discover Rossville and all it offers.
We want to help you. If you or someone you love have suffered from any personal injuries, contact our Middlesex personal injury lawyers to get the compensation you deserve. Schedule your consultation now for free.
Blank Kim Injury Law
1308 Eastern Blvd #2-A,
Essex, MD 21221
(410) 716-0625