This article is sponsored by Blank Kim Injury Law, the personal injury attorneys in Fort Meade. Discover what's within the community of Fort Meade.
At the coordinates of 39.105015 degrees north latitude and 76.74126 degrees west longitude, Fort Meade is located between the cities of Baltimore and Washington, D.C. It is a census-designated place (CDP) in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and is home to Fort George G. Meade and the offices of the Military Intelligence Civilian Excepted Career Program (MICECP). Some of the notable people born in Fort Meade are Star Trek author Peter David, former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Vocalist for the Lamb of God heavy metal band Randy Blythe, and NFL player Terren Jones.
As of the 2000 census, Fort Meade had a total population of 9,882 people and a population density of 1,500.5 people per square mile. The racial makeup of the area includes 66.46% White, 25.21% African American, 9.55% Hispanic or Latino, 5.06% Two or more races, 3.58% Other races, 2.98% Asian, 0.46% Native American, and 0.26% Pacific Islander.
The census also recorded 2,432 households and 2,307 families within the CDP. These households consisted of 81.0% married couples, 78.7% had children under the age of 18, 10.6% female householders, 5.1% non-families, 4.7% individuals, and 0.2% had someone over the age of 65 living alone. In 2000, there was a median household income of $40,661. Males made $27,474, and females made $22,165. Only 5.4% of the population lived below the poverty line.
As of 2010, the population of Fort Meade has decreased to 9,327.
Schools within the area of Fort Meade are part of the Anne Arundel County Public Schools System. Families with children residing in this community will attend one of the following schools.
Whichever school they must attend depends on the child's age and the zoning of their residential address.
Some of the main roads and highways serving the residents of Fort Meade are Rockenbach Rd., Canine Rd., Mapes Rd., Reece Rd., Annapolis Rd., Patuxent Fwy., and Baltimore-Washington Pkwy.
In 2005, a shuttle service was added from the Odenton station of the Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) Train Service to the National Security Agency (NSA) Visitor Control Center in Fort Meade. The NSA also operates another shuttle service from Odenton station to the Army section in Fort Meade. It was established in 2009 and only allow the boarding of garrison employees, people with Fort Meade visitor passes and U.S. Department of Defense IDs.
Need to do some shopping? Discover Arundel Mills, a local mall and shopping area.
Located in Fort Meade, MD, the Fort George G. Meade is a U.S. Army installation built in 1917. Named after the commander of the Army of the Potomac George G. Meade, Fort George G. Meade is still in use and is home to the National Security Agency, Central Security Service, United States Cyber Command and the Defense Information Systems Agency. The current commander of the base is Colonel Christopher M. Nyland.
Are you suffering from injuries and don't have benefits to support you? Contact our Fort Meade personal injury lawyers to get the benefits you are qualified for. Call now to schedule your free consultation.
Blank Kim Injury Law
7389 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Suite L,
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
(410) 756-0950