This article is sponsored by Blank Kim Injury Law, the car accident attorneys of Arcola. Get to know the neighborhood of Arcola and check out its all-inclusive community center.
Arcola is a neighborhood in the Wheaton area of Maryland. With a population of 4,630 people, it has a population density of 10,495 people per square mile. In 2019, the racial makeup of Arcola consisted of 40.1% White, 22.5% Hispanic or Latino, 12.3% Black, 11.0% Asian, 8.3% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 4.3% Two or more races, 1.3% Some other race, and 0.3% American Indian. There were 2,407 males and 2,223 females. Their average age was around 35.2-years-old and 36-years-old, respectively. The community had an average household size of 8.7 people. 59.6% of the population had family households. These households had a median income of $94,086 in 2019. Only 8.5% of the population lives below the poverty line. Houses in the neighborhood average around $478,377.
Schools designated for the neighborhood of Arcola, Md, are all part of the Montgomery County Public School Systems. Families with children living in this area are zoned for one of the following schools.
As the only school that bears the name of Arcola in this community, Arcola Elementary School is located on Franwall Ave. near the Wheaton Regional Park. It has a total enrollment count of 732 students, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. The rating that the website GreatSchools gave it was 5 out of 10. The website Niche gave the school an overall grade of a B minus.
Situated within the neighborhood of Arcola is the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. This LEED-certified facility offers sports, dance, fitness, music, and art programs and activities for people of all ages. Other features of the center include an art room, activity room, fitness room, game room, gymnasium, pottery barn, social hall, studio, kitchen and walking track. Also located within the same facility of the Wheaton Community Recreation Center is the Wheaton Library and Wheaton Local Park.
The Wheaton Local Park occupies a little over two acres of land. It provides the residents and visitors of the neighborhood with a large open space area and designated playground for children of all ages. Continue reading to learn more about the local neighborhood of Glenview.
Are you suffering from car accident injuries? Contact our Arcola car accident lawyers to get the compensation and benefits you are rightfully qualified for. Schedule your free consultation with us today.
Blank Kim Injury Law
3720 Farragut Ave #401-A,
Kensington, MD 20895
(240) 331-5585