This article is sponsored by Blank Kim Injury Law, the personal injury lawyers of West Edmondale. Our attorneys encourage locals and visitors to explore the community of West Edmondale and see what it has to offer.
West Edmondale is a neighborhood located in Baltimore, Maryland. It has a total population of 2,155 residents and about 74% of whom are homeowners. Most of the homes in this community consist of three bedrooms and one bathroom. They sit on average-sized lots and are valued at around $65,000 to $190,000. These homes vary in styles and are considered cozy. Currently, the median sale price for a home in West Edmondale is $165,000.
The Edmondson Heights Park has the coordinates of 39.2959 degrees north latitude and 76.7180 degrees west longitude. It sits at an elevation of about 387 feet above sea level. The park is bounded by Forest Park Ave., Harwall Rd., and Granville Rd. Located in West Edmondale, the Edmondson Heights Park is an area of woodland surrounded by residential properties.
Located near the Edmondson Heights Park is the Edmonson Heights Elementary School. It is a public school that's part of the Baltimore County Public Schools System. The school enrolls students from Pre-Kindergarten to fifth grade and has a total number of 540 students. Its student-to-teach ratio is 17 to 1. The website Niche gives it a rating of a C. Greatschools gives it a 3 out of 10.
Serving the residents of West Edmondale, MD, the Charing Cross Shopping Center is situated on the east side of the neighborhood of West Edmondale. The shopping center features the following stores:
Restaurants located in the shopping center and its surrounding areas are Caton's Piza & Sub and New York Fried Chicken. Looking for more? Discover the nearby town of Westerlee.
Have you or someone you love been suffering from injuries that are preventing you from doing your daily activities? Contact our West Edmondale personal injury attorneys to get the compensation you deserve. Call our office today to schedule your free consultation.
Blank Kim Injury Law
6666 Security Boulevard Blvd. #4,
Baltimore, MD 21207
(410) 762-3030